How I challenge myself to construct a more Creative Brain?
Each Sunday when I sit down to plan out the week’s lesson for my online art classes, I always feel a bit stumped. I like to think that planning Cartoon Club for Kids will get easier – that I get better and more efficient with each cartoon lesson I’ve taught. So why doesn’t planning get any easier? Or should it…?
This week’s topic was Robot Ice Cream Parlour. I wasn’t so keen on doodling robots (I have an aversion to machines!) but I’d had lots of requests from my online art students to draw them so I decided to sweeten the subject with a little ice cream.
Despite studying mechanical engineering I’m not much into machines (go figure why I’m a bad engineer). I find it difficult to get excited about drawing a subject I’m not very interested in. But the great thing about drawing is that everything becomes so much more interesting, when you draw it. How could I get creative with my Robot Ice cream Parlour?
Let’s focus on one creative thought – CONSTRUCTION…

How can a challenging topic make me think more creatively?
One of the things that continuously surprises me in my online art classes, especially with the children, is their ability to take what I think might not be the most interesting of subjects, and draw amazingly fun and creative cartoon characters. I seem to need this lesson reinforced constantly, that anything can be your subject and often the weirder the better. So whenever I’m feeling challenged by a topic, I think back to a time when I’ve had the same doubts, and remember that it’s just a creative challenge and I can always CONSTRUCT a fun and fabulous illustration. So here it goes for cartoon robots…
How does doodling CONSTRUCT a more creative brain?
I have been on a Jordan Peterson kick lately (sorry y’all). I was reading his book 12 Rules for Life and the chapter on truth and came across an interesting study on what happens when we challenge ourselves with new things. When you try new things voluntarily (and the voluntary aspect is key), you CONSTRUCT your renewed self out of those new conceptual components.
According to the book, studies have recently shown that “new genes in the central nervous system turn on when an organism places itself in a new situation. Those genes code for new proteins.” These proteins enable you to CONSTRUCT new brain structures. Amazing! Can I extrapolate that to the idea that by challenging myself with new topics each week, I’m CONSTRUCTING a more creative brain. I sure hope so! At the very least I feel I am CONSTRUCTING a brain that is more willing to face new creative challenges. Even if that is simply a Robot Ice Cream Parlour!
Ready?… Let’s Get Creative!
Online Art Classes
for Kids and Adults who love to Doodle!
Are you always doodling? Do you love to create cartoons? These are the art classes for you! I've created a small, friendly group that works together in our online art class. We’re open to anyone who likes to sit, doodle and dream up cartoons. There are drawing classes for kids (ages 8 - 12), young children (ages 6 - 7) and even adults.