Brene Brown said this when she was talking with Marie Forleo. Brene explains that she would sometimes be asked to dress a certain way or refrain from swearing or bringing up her faith when she was presenting at some corporate events. The image struck home since I used to wear a suit everyday. For me, it made life easier because every morning I could quickly get up and put on my “uniform” and I had one less decision to make. But imagine looking at it from the outside; it could be seen as rather ironic that we all wear funeral-clothes to our corporate jobs. Hmmm.. At any rate, I’m definitely adding Brene Brown’s new book, Braving the Wilderness, to my to-read list. It sounds like it has a lot of great insights for us creative types! I have already read her book Daring Greatly which was super.
If you are interested here is the link to the podcast with Brene Brown and Marie Forleo.