Magical Leftover Resistant Starch Potatoes

Magical Leftover Resistant Starch Potatoes

I’ve heard a lot about the benefits of resistant starch so I’m giving it a go! It is supposed to be very good for not only improving your insulin response but also increasing your beneficial gut bacteria lactobacillus and ruminococcus. I’m heating and cooling potatoes...
Would your Dog eat it?

Would your Dog eat it?

Sometimes I think the animals are smarter than us. At least they seem to listen to their instincts more abut what to eat and what to avoid. Maybe I need Fergus’ nose! I’m glad it says “Eat butter”! I’ll take that motto.  There’s also a really good article...
Poo Cocktail

Poo Cocktail

My Poo-cocktail cartoon is a bit of any exaggeration ..ha ha.. So don’t try this at home! I was reading Wired to Eat by Robb Wolf and he talked about a “poo-cocktail” experiment they did to improve the gut micro biome of mice. Apparently they took gut...
Help for Chocoholics

Help for Chocoholics

Could this be why I ate too much chocolate over Christmas?! I saw this post by Dr. Eric Berg saying that “People who crave chocolate are really craving the adrenal hormone serotonin”. I checked further on his blog and he writes that the cravings can be alleviated...