The Neighbourhood of my Mind

The Neighbourhood of my Mind

This cartoon is based on a quote my friend told me the other day. The quote is by Anne Lamott and she said, “My mind is a bad neighbourhood I try not to go into alone.” That is such a great description. It really is a scary place to be at times. These are little...
Wooly Mammoths are back!

Wooly Mammoths are back!

Scientists are bringing back the Wooly Mammoth to help slow the greenhouse gases. Have you heard about this? The things they can do now! Apparently there is a theory that they can stop the tundra permafrost from melting which I understand releases tons of greenhouse...
Stem Cell Meat

Stem Cell Meat

I heard about this on Joe Rogan’s podcast episode #1059 when he’s talking to Brian Redban. They are growing meat using stem cells. Nuts! I’m not sure what I think about this but apparently it could be gracing your local grocery store shelves by 2020. I’m not sure what...
Help for Chocoholics

Help for Chocoholics

Could this be why I ate too much chocolate over Christmas?! I saw this post by Dr. Eric Berg saying that “People who crave chocolate are really craving the adrenal hormone serotonin”. I checked further on his blog and he writes that the cravings can be alleviated...