Why our default state is Happy

Why our default state is Happy

My friend Rose sent me the book “Solve for Happy“. Thanks Rose! At the start of the book, Mo Gawdat makes one of the best observations. It took me a bit to wrap my head around this idea. It’s so simple. He says happiness is our default state. Huh? We are born happy....
Lead Domino

Lead Domino

Tim Ferriss says he asks himself on a regular basis, “which of these (to-do’s) if done, make the rest easier or irrelevant?”. In other words what has a disproportionate ROI for the time I need to invest? I think I should sometimes stop myself before I get off on a...
The Sun’s just hiding

The Sun’s just hiding

I just finished reading Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant. It is about over coming challenges, feeling resilient and finding happiness. On page 77 they write this great quote from Albert Camus and explain that when you can no longer change a situation, you...