The UK has appointed a new position; A Minister of Loneliness. I learned this when listening to Jack Kornfield on the Tim Ferriss show. He was saying that apparently there are 9 million lonely people in the UK many of which are seniors. Tracey Crouch has been taken on the role and she says said she was proud to take on the “generational challenge” to tackle an issue. The idea for this project was first started by the late MP Jo Cox. Tracey Crouch has since assumed the role. In December 2017 NHS England’s chief nursing officer, Prof Jane Cummings, said cold weather and loneliness can be deadly. I think companionship is really underestimated in health. I know for me, having good friends makes all the difference. It’s impossible to quantify, but it feels so important. According to a BBC article an estimated half of people aged 75 and over live alone – about two million people across England – with many saying they can go days, even weeks, with no social interaction at all. Can you imagine?! Ms Crouch said: “This is an issue that Jo cared passionately about and we will honour her memory by tackling it, helping the millions of people across the UK who suffer from loneliness.”
Why does the UK need a Minister of Loneliness?
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Apr 25, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Primal Diet | 0 comments