by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jul 25, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
When I sharing ideas met with Jenny Walker the other week we got on the subject of joy. Jenny says that she makes it a policy to laugh at least two times a day. She started this habit some time ago and she said that at first it was a bit of work to make herself laugh...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jul 24, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
I was reading about a radio station manager named Rich Meyer who had started a company called Mediabase in Chicago. His company was interested in understanding what made a particular song popular. They noticed that even songs that people said they disliked, listeners...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jul 12, 2018 | Cartoon Club
All the things I could blame on my dopamine receptors! It’s fascinating to learn about the dopamine pathways and the role they play in influencing behaviour. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for how strong our habits are affected by the brain structure...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jul 11, 2018 | Cartoon Club
I met with Jenny Walker of Cornerstone Therapies the other week. We were sharing our thoughts on the many aspects of health and wellness and we got off on one of many interesting tangents. Jenny said that she had a client who had suffered from a lot of headaches. One...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jul 10, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
I think I should have written this list long ago! What I have done for years, ever since working downtown, was say to myself ‘do-less’ whenever I would start to feel overwhelmed. I find that sometimes it is just a matter of letting myself not do one or two things that...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jul 5, 2018 | Cartoon Club
I was reading some research by Charles Duhigg that looked at what happened when Starbucks tried to implement a health plan. Despite employees being given access to gym memberships and diet workshops, they couldn’t get any traction. The trouble it seems was that...