by Sarah Jane Vickery | May 25, 2018 | Book Reviews, Get Creative
My friend Rose very kindly sent me the book “Solve for Happy“. It’s about engineering your path to joy written by Mo Gawdat, the the chief business officer at Google X. He is an engineer so he approaches the problem with the engineering methodology of breaking down...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | May 24, 2018 | Get Creative, Popular Posts
I was learning today from Simon Sinek. One of the things he talks about is how we, in our ongoing quest to improve ourselves, fail to celebrate our successes. I’m very bad at this. I rarely look at what I’ve achieved. Instead I’m always looking at my to-do list. The...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | May 15, 2018 | Get Creative
This is an amazing question. Tim Ferriss said that a friend asked this at the start of a small dinner party and it (not surprisingly) opened up the conversation in a whole new direction. Tim interviews Aubrey Marcus who says that it happens to him quite regularly...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Apr 24, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
At the start of the book Solve for Happy, Mo Gawdat makes one of the best suggestions. He says to write yourself what he calls a Happy List. His point, and I found this myself what I wrote my own list, is that we tend to think of happiness as something really big,...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Apr 20, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
I love getting rid of stuff! I am finishing off my renovation and I am so happy to finally get organised, find places for everything and clean out. OMG! It feels so good. I don’t think of myself as having excessive amounts of stuff, but even so I wind up with a lot I...