by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jan 8, 2019 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
Tea and biscuits were definitely one of my key ways of dealing with pressure at work. Actually, brownies, date squares and peanut butter cookies made a regular appearance too! There are better ways though. I wish I had some of the tools I have now back then. Workshops...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Oct 9, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
Artist Paul Klee said that “a line is a dot that went for a walk”. I like this idea because it makes drawing seem less intimidating. Like taking a relaxing walk. Just a doodle! Here’s a fun drawing exercise I do sometimes: Pick an object to draw. Anything will do. Set...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Oct 4, 2018 | Primal Diet
I was veggie for a very long time and I know that it is nearly impossible to get B12 on a veggie or vegan diet without supplementation so I thought this could be useful information to pass along. I had my levels of B12 tested but apparently not correctly. I was...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jul 25, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
When I sharing ideas met with Jenny Walker the other week we got on the subject of joy. Jenny says that she makes it a policy to laugh at least two times a day. She started this habit some time ago and she said that at first it was a bit of work to make herself laugh...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jul 18, 2018 | Primal Diet
Have you ever wondered why you feel so much better after exercising? There is more to it than just the physical benefits it has on your body, it also has some profound effects on your brain. As I’ve learned from Dr. Rhonda Patrick, exercise increases the production of...