Enter to WIN!!
Does your child love to colour? Do they like to doodle cartoons? This is for them!. I’m partnered with Pullinger’s Art Shop to give your child a chance to win a FREE Cartoon Club online class and a FREE sketchbook, pencil, Faber-Castell Pen set to get them started cartooning . You will win either a Cartoon Club for Kids class (ages 8-12) or Cartoon Junior class (ages 6-7) or Discover Your Inner Cartoonist class for adults.
To ENTER all you need to do is:
Have a UK address.
Post a picture of a hand drawn cartoon in our Facebook Group Cartoon Club
Share that post on your own Facebook timeline and tag a friend who might like Cartoon Club
On Facebook follow: @pullingers https://www.facebook.com/Pullingers AND @CartoonClubCreates https://www.facebook.com/groups/cartoonclubcreates
Enter by 30th November
We will pick the winner at random and message them on Facebook to collect their prize. The winner will be announced on 2nd December.

A4 Winsor & Newton Sketchbook: https://www.pullingers.com/c/384/winsor-newton-hard-back-sketch-books-white-paper
3B of the Staedtler Mars pencil https://www.pullingers.com/c/72352/staedtler-mars-lumograph-sketching-pencils-individual-pencils
Set of Faber-Castell Fineliner Pens: https://www.pullingers.com/p/FC167100/faber-castell-pitt-artist-fineliner-pens/faber-castell/pitt-artists-pen-black-wallet-of-4-s-f-m-b
Cartoon Club for Kids Online Class with Sarah Jane Vickery: https://sarahjanevickery.com/product/cartoon-club-interactive-online-art-classes-for-kids/