by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jun 13, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
I’m not sure where I heard this quote but I repeat it to myself whenever I feel like wimping out on doing something. I even catch myself getting lazy with things I love that take effort, like riding my horse. Finn is 33 now so everyday is a bonus. I don’t want to miss...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jun 11, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
For me drawing is like meditation. I feel so much better both while I’m working as well as afterwards. I was wondering why that is so I did a bit of research. Apparently when you draw, dopamine is produced in the brainstem. It is released in your brain’s cortex...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jun 7, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative, Popular Posts
I love this quote from Ai Weiwei. It sticks in my head because my friend Veronica had it up on her fridge. Whenever I’d be feeling overwhelmed by another big creative project I would look at that fridge magnet and remind myself to just start with one little thing. I...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | Jun 5, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Primal Diet
I’ve started doing sprints. I’m not a runner, but oddly I am finding it really fun. I run as fast as I possibly can for 15 seconds then stop and rest. I’m trying to put in 100% effort for those 15 seconds that I run and then rest until I feel ready to do another 15...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | May 31, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Get Creative
One of my professors from design school said this during a lecture, “Your head is a terrible place for ideas”. At first it struck me as the oddest concept. But after a while I understood more what he meant. He kept telling us to write, sketch, brainstorm… do whatever...
by Sarah Jane Vickery | May 23, 2018 | Cartoon Club, Primal Diet
Robb Wolfe talks about palette fatigue and how we get bored of eating too much of the same food. Not so with chocolate for me! Even dark chocolate; even dark chocolate sweetened with stevia. Nothing works. It’s so addictive for me! I’m blaming my current chocolate...